May 29, 2007

Missions in Acts Part #1: Missions Giving

MISSIONS GIVING: The idea of tithing is not supported in the book of Acts. Acts 4:32-35 presents the idea that all possessions we have are of God. The early church believed this and in result no one was in need. The main idea here was to give what was needed. Not every person gave everything but every person gave something. I do not believe this passage supports the convent sort of living but for sure giving to each other was a way of life for the early church.

Acts 5:1-10 presents a very clear message of early church giving. In this passage we see the story of Ananias and Saphira. The point here is not on the amount given but on the heart. These two believers would have done well to evaluate Biblical giving. I believe had they simply not claimed to be giving ALL they would have lived. The point is that Ananias thought he could deceive the Lord into thinking he was such a spiritual giver. Amount was not important, heart was.

If we are to get back to early church giving our hearts must be engaged. Giving for giving’s sake alone is not Biblical. Giving because that is what the Lord commands is Biblical. Christian giving should be giving to ones power; if you have anything at all, give. Don’t give to build a name, or even to gain favor with God. Give because the supremacy of God demands it. Give because Gods glory is at stake.

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